PRCs in Singapore Buying Up Fever Medication and Sending It Back to China for Friends and Relatives,…
China recently announced that they were relaxing their COVID restrictions, after pressures mounting from a nation-wide protest, sparked by deaths apparently caused by senseless lockdowns in several parts of China. With the relaxed measures,…
Uncle and Auntie Get into Fight Over Tissue Selling Territory Outside Guan Yin Temple, Police Called…
According to sources, several police officers were seen questioning an auntie and a uncle outside the Guan Yin temple at Waterloo Street. It was later gathered that the two got into a fight over "territory" matters. According to the auntie,…
SUV Crashes into Lok Lok Stall in Geylang, Takes Out Pizza Shop Next Door As Well
There are times when we are in a rush and want to just grab a quick bite from a Mcdonalds drive through, and be on our way. However, one driver decided that it was too time consuming to be buying his orders from a drive through, and decided…
Desperate Thief Caught on CCTV Stealing Umbrella From Outside HDB Flat
The weather has been rather unpredictable lately, with scorching heat one moment, and heavy rains the next. A rather desperate thief who had trouble buying his own umbrella, decided that it would be okay to just take one from outside a HDB…
Vietnamese Restaurant Manager Looking for Couple Who Ate Dinner and Left Without Paying
A Vietnamese restaurant manager recently took to Facebook to hunt for a couple who did a dine and dash at their Geylang restaurant outlet. According to the restaurant Ăn Là Ghiền - Authentic Vietnamese Cuisine, located at 45 Lorong 27…
Man Gets into Heated Confrontation with Chinese Couple Over Mask Wearing in HDB Lift, Police Called…
To wear or not to wear? That is the question. A man and a Chinese couple recently got into a heated confrontation over the wearing of masks inside a lift. Under the new relaxed COVID regulations, the wearing of masks were optional in most…
Woman Gets Cheated of Over $2000 By Scammer With Convincing SPF Uniform and Fake Police ID
A woman in Singapore was recently relieved of $2500 by a overseas scammer who was impersonating a Singapore Police officer. While this scam is not new to Singapore, previous attempts by these scammers were mostly laughable, from wearing…
Couple Nearly Ends Up Sleeping on Streets in New Zealand, After Screws Up Their Booking,…
Sharing her horrendous experience with, an accommodation booking platform based in the US, Shei Kee said she booked 11 nights stay at a hotel in New Zealand in Aug 2022, but ended up nearly having to sleep on the streets, as the…
Kind Hearted 70-year-old Taxi Driver Who Earns Just $30 a Day, Stops Meter For Passenger When Stuck…
A taxi driver who picked up a passenger from Orchard road, and met with a traffic jam, decided to stop the meter, in order not to charge the passenger, as he claims that money is difficult to earn. For his actions, 70-year-old taxi driver…
Altercation Over Scratched Vehicle in Geylang, Man Gets Dragged By Car For Over 10 Metres, Sustains…
A man suspected that his car had been scratched by another vehicle, decided to stop the driver of the vehicle from leaving, but ended up being dragged for over 10 metres, resulting in serious injuries. This incident happened on Wednesday…