Lone Monkey Steals Bread From Sengkang Bakery Twice Daily

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For the past few months, a lone monkey has been treating a bakery located at Block 417 Fernvale Link in Sengkang as his personal pantry.

According to the bakery’s worker Mdm Sim (60-years-old), the monkey has been “patronizing” the bakery almost everyday for the past 6 months, stealing around $300 worth of bread.

Miss Lin (29-years-old) who works as a food stall assistant in a nearby coffee shop said that the monkey would first appear at around 9am to steal bag of bread, before appearing again at around 5pm to steal another.

Residents who live nearby have expressed their concern about being attacked by the monkey one day.

Anyone who sees or encounters wild animals should try to avoid them as much as possible. Do not attempt to approach it or chase it away as it may agitate the animal. Please refer to the NParks website for a list of animal advisories.


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